Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reunion poll!!

Katie Johnson Hansen emailed me the other day. She wondered if I could do a poll of the upcoming 10 year reunion. Leave a comment below or email her at cachekennels@hotmail.com or me at chareebmc@gmail.com on what you think. The questions are:

What do you think would be fun? theme?
When: June, July, Aug. Sept. etc. (Summer or Fall)
Who: You and your partner/spouse only or Families?
Where: Park, restaurant, school?
Help: Are you able to help with this? Local? Team member?
and so on!!!

Katie has posted the same thing on Classmates.com and if you are a member of Facebook or Blog spread the word. The 10 year is going to happen, we just need as much help and inspiration as possible. Thank you for leaving your thoughts and comments on the emails or below.

Thanks again!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR 99ers!!!! This is the year 2009....(can you believe it)...10 years for us pals. We are getting stinkin' old! Ten years ago this May we walked across a stage and said our goodbyes to all of our great firends. Hopefully we have stayed in touch with some of the best, otherwise this is what the blog is all about...reconnection. Thank you for spreading the word and getting people to sign the guest book. It is always so fun to see where you all have ended up. Keep the word going. Word (IS) on the street for a reunion...keep posted and I should have info soon. Thanks again 99ers!!