Friday, October 24, 2008

Guest book at bottom!

I am grateful that so many of you are coming to the site and checking in. Please do as much as possible, and pass the word. (maybe we can get some non-blogger mates to sign up) Some are forgetting to sign the guest book on the is fun to see your families pictures. I know some of you don't have current family pics at the moment and will update it once you do, but till then...still sign in and let us know where in the world you are.

If any of you have SV news or whatever to add to this blog, please let me know and we will post it! Thank you!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sky View 1999... NEW BLOG!

My work mate told me that her class did a blog to try and keep in touch with each other. I know that a lot of people are already on facebook, but some only blog. This is for both....hopefully!! Please pass the word along about this blog and lets try and re connect with the people from the "Good ol days"! Be a part of this blog and post pictures of your families, your friends and or whatever...should be fun...if this works! Thanks again!

Hope it is OK to add as many of you on the side bar, please leave a comment if you have someone that I don't have, or you don't want it on the side bar....Thanks!